Successful Networking Gatherings for ICDP in Fiji

During ICDP’s recent visit to Fiji, Dr Ian Watt, Simone Pensko and Tina Briggs were fortunate to attend a reception at the High Comm residence where the youth leaders of the current political parties were in attendance. This was the first time that the groups were together in one space at a function in Fiji. Chair of ICDP Dr Ian Watt addressed the group and gave them an overview of ICDP and Pacific Connect and there was much interest in the concept as it focuses on building relationships between emerging leaders in the Pacific and Australia. ICDP would like to thank John Feakes, Aust High Comm to Fiji and staff for providing a wonderful opportunity to meet the potential future leaders of Fiji.

ICDP was able to meet several of the youth leaders again when ICDP hosted a reception to bring Pacific Connect Community members along with emerging leaders from the ICT space together for an informal networking session. It was fantastic to see young leaders meet for the first time or re-acquaint themselves from past connections. Many potential topics were discussed and suggested for the next ICDP Pacific Connect dialogue for Fiji which some members of the group may have the opportunity to attend. ICDP Strategic Advisor and businessman Peter Fritz encouraged the young entrepreneurs in the group through sharing his experiences and engaging with them one on one. This type of networking session will continue to be on the visitation calendar whenever a member/s of the ICDP network are in Pacific countries for strategic visits and dialogues. It provides a great opportunity to touch base and re-engage face-to-face with the Pacific Connect Community and encourage broader networking with like-minded emerging leaders.