Pacific Connect ‘Technology Enabling Inclusiveness’ Dialogue
The final Dialogue before the Pacific Connect Ideas Exchange begins today in Suva, Fiji. Twenty-two Australian and Fijian emerging leaders will come together to explore how assistive technology and improved digital connectivity can contribute to social inclusion in the Pacific.
A wide range of assistive technologies can help people perform tasks they would otherwise be unable to do, helping them play a full role in society. Similarly, employers can apply technological solutions to broaden employment opportunities for all members of society.
The Dialogue, which runs from 29-30 July, will be co-facilitated by Dr Ian Watt AC, Chair of ICDP, Rakesh Ram, CEO of HFC Bank, Setareki Macanawai, CEO, Pacific Disability Forum, and Peter Fritz AM, Group Managing Director of TCG, Chairman of Global Access Partners and ICDP’s Strategic Advisor.
Activities will begin with an Introduction to Blockchain Workshop, run by Kenneth Katafono, Founder & Managing Director of Traseable Solutions. Kenneth held Pacfic Connect’s first Blockchain Workshop after the Freight & Logistics Dialogue, convened last month in Honiara. These sessions aim to support growing interest in blockchain technology and help educate Pacific Islanders about its potential use cases as well as its challenges.
Monday night will see the Dialogue participants and the wider Pacific Connect Fijian community come together for the Welcome Dinner. Our guest speakers for this event are Kylie Mines, Founder & CEO of Motivation Australia, and Setareki Macanawai, CEO of the Pacific Disability Forum.
Day two of the event will focus on identifying a few practical projects that the attendees can take forward and develop with support from the community’s strong links to the Pacific business community. Such projects could include an annual inclusiveness forum, innovations in local tourism and the creation of assistive technology projects for entrepreneurs.
As always, ICDP will keep the community updated through Dialogue updates across its Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn channels, and you can contribute to discussions by using the hashtags #PacificConnect and #DigitalPacific. Photos and official publications from the event will be published on the website.
We look forward to seeing what projects arise out of Pacific Connect’s ‘Technology Enabling Inclusiveness’ event!