Applications open for next ‘Women in Business’ Dialogue

ICDP is bringing together Pacific Connect Community members and new faces from the Pacific and Australia through digital means for our next Pacific Connect Network Dialogue. Join us on 3 December 2020 for the next chapter in the ‘Women in Business’ series to share and learn how digital connectivity and emerging technologies can help you develop your ideas and expand business opportunities. The registration window ends on 23 November 2020 – places are limited!

Turning your side hustle into a scalable business is exciting but can also be challenging if you are not prepared. The ongoing Covid-19 pandemic has heightened the need for technology in businesses. Technology can make registering and growing your side hustle easy, affordable and possible. Understanding and taking advantage of technologies and innovations is now a key factor is businesses succeeding in an ever-changing business environment.

Are you interested, or know someone who would be? Check out the flyer here for more information before you register here. Register by 23 November.