Join us!
Whether you are an Australian or Pacific business owner or aspiring entrepreneur passionate about our shared region, or simply interested in being part of a vibrant and growing Pacific Connect network of emerging leaders, we would like to hear from you!
Many participants are referred by an active member of the network or are invited by ICDP to join. The first introduction with the Community could be a networking event, or perhaps a Workshop / Dialogue. Your participation could be about creating business opportunities, purely philanthropic activities, or a bit of both. If you manage or own a business, business opportunities may arise through the generation of Australia-Pacific projects with other Community members aimed to create sustainable businesses/ideas using innovation technology solutions. To find out more about the Community and its benefits, view the Concept Paper.
To take part in a Pacific Connect Dialogue, participants usually register online via the dialogue flyer and provide links to their LinkedIn page or a recent CV, or relevant background/interest in the topic). Places can be limited for dialogues and ICDP will provide further information about the event and networking details.
Pacific Connect utilises Second Track engagement methods so you will be able to connect with the Community well after you have attended an event on our online engagement platforms and various Pacific Connect activities scheduled each year.
To join or find out more about opportunities for you or your business, contact us here.